How long has Texas Sports Reach been around?
Texas Sports Reach was founded in 1998 by Eddie Anderson. Texas Sports Reach is affiliated with Sports Reach based in Kentucky but is incorporated separately and operates with its own leadership and board of directors.
What is the purpose of Texas Sports Reach?
We are a ministry committed to showing the love of Jesus Christ, sharing His Gospel, and making disciples through softball. The primary audiences will be inmates in both state and federal prison systems plus individuals at secular sporting events.
What sports do you play?
Texas Sports Reach focuses on slow pitch softball. We have contacts with other prison ministries in Texas and Louisiana that play basketball.
Where do you get your members from?
Most of our members are referred to us by word of mouth from current or former members. We have also had people join from seeing us at secular sporting events.
Do you have to be an athlete to participate?
Participation is open to anyone regardless if you play softball. On most trips we have non-softball playing members who participate because they have a true conviction to share the Gospel with inmates. These members share in the crowd throughout the day while the softball games are being played. This allows more people to be reached and hear the Gospel and is a vital part of the ministry. We also use people behind the scenes to grade Bible studies and help with administration.
Where do you play?
Texas Sports Reach currently travels regularly in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Colorado. We hope to expand our reach as God opens new doors.
What skill level do you need to play on the team?
A rule of thumb is that a player needs to be at least a D classification based on competitive tournament play and not leagues. If you have questions about this please contact us.
How often do you play?
Our season typically starts in March and goes through late October. We play no less than once each month and also go on a mission trip each year.
What is a typical prison visit like?
Our day usually starts first thing in the morning. After the security check-in, we are escorted to the prison yard. In the morning we typically play a couple games and then have a time of testimony and sharing. For lunch we often get the honor of eating with the inmates in their facility. After lunch we’ll play more games and have more time for sharing. We pray and register inmates for the Bible Study after the time of testimony. We leave the prison late afternoon.
What level of offenders do you visit?
We play against and interact with minimum (trustee), low, and medium. Maximum security inmates are typically not afforded the same privileges and access to the ball field.
Is it dangerous and scary?
The short answer is no, it is neither dangerous nor scary. Prison officials, and sometimes the prison chaplain, are with us the entire stay. Inmates are genuinely excited to host us. Not all inmates get outside visitors and rarely interact with anyone else other than inmates and prison staff. There is hunger from inmates for true interaction and respect that we are able to give them. We only provide our first names when interacting.
How do you reconcile associating with criminals?
Inmates are paying the consequences for their criminal actions. We’ve all sinned, however, and none of us are perfect. We aim to mirror God’s grace and Biblical example in seeing inmates for their true worth as God’s precious creation. We intentionally do not ask or talk about reasons for incarceration unless the inmate specifically initiates that conversation.
Do you lose many games?
No, although most games are competitive. Winning earns us respect and a wider audience to hear us talk, which is our true purpose for visiting. Games are run & officiated entirely by the inmates. It is always a fun time.
What’s it really like inside?
What you see on TV is not accurate. The offenders we play with do not wear orange jumpsuits. We spend most of our time in the prison yard. We do not visit the cells. Attendance at the softball games is not mandatory, however, we often draw a large crowd. There are plenty of opportunities for one-on-one interactions. It is enjoyable meeting with the men and hearing their stories about their families, hopes, fears, and struggles. Phones are not allowed so unfortunately getting pictures inside is very rare. Occasionally prison staff will take pictures and give us permission to share them.
How is Texas Sports Reach financed?
Texas Sports Reach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. It relies on financial contributions from individuals, businesses, and churches. The finances are under the direction of the board of directors. If you are interested in making a tax-deductible donation please visit the Donate page.
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Yes, Texas Sports Reach will send you a receipt and you can write off your donation on your federal tax return.
What church do you attend and what are your spiritual beliefs?
We are from all different churches and different religious backgrounds, however, all of our players are required to agree on our Statement Of Belief. There are teachings that we consider essential to the Christian faith and each player must be in agreement on these teachings.
How do I become a Christian?
Please visit this link for a straighforward explanation.
What Bible Study materials do you use with the inmates?
We use curriculum developed by Crossroads Prison Ministries.